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Career and Tech Ed

Mission Statement

The mission of the D.C. Everest Career and Technical Education Department, in partnership with the community, is to provide all students with opportunities to acquire and apply academic, technological, employment, and life skills in order to ensure their success in an ever-changing global society.

CTE Coordinator - Aaron Hoffman - 715-359-6561, ext. 4120

Career Pathways

D.C. Everest offers a broad curriculum designed around 16 Career Clusters that provides students with the opportunity to explore their interests while earning four- and two-year college credits, attaining industry credentials, gaining hands-on classroom experience, and completing work-based learning opportunities prior to graduation.

Our curriculum is designed to help students prepare for a 21st-century career, balance professional and personal responsibilities, and be prepared — at any point in their post-secondary life — to be a successful learner on the job or while attending a two- or four-year college or university.

Regional Career Pathways

Career and Tech Ed Overview

Youth Apprenticeship Spotlights

D.C. Everest Area School District Career and Technical Education Program

The mission of the D.C. Everest Career and Technical Education Department in partnership with the community is to provide opportunities for all students to acquire and apply academic, technological, employment and life skills in order to ensure success in an ever-changing global society. The District’s curriculum will provide every student with the opportunity to participate in learning experiences, to explore potential careers and, when appropriate, acquire the occupational skills necessary for the transition from school to the world of work. For purposes of this policy, "career and technical education" shall be defined as a program designed to provide educational experiences and guidance for students to plan and prepare for a future:

  • in the labor market as employable individuals immediately after graduation with productive, saleable skills;
  • in education beyond high school with the opportunity to gain a marketable job skill(s) that will assist them in achieving career goals;
  • in the world of work while continuing their education in order to help offset higher education expenses.

The Board shall provide a career and technical education program which shall include:

  • Technology and Engineering Education;
  • Agricultural Education;
  • Family and Consumer Education;
  • Business Education;
  • Marketing Education.

The Board directs that any efforts to recruit students to participate in a particular career and technical education program must include literature and comparable recruitment efforts for students with disabilities in a format and context in which they can communicate. The career and technical education program may also include a shared-time program outside of school and/or a work-study program involving the employment of qualified students. The D.C. Everest School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital status, parental status, sexual orientation, sex, (including transgender status, change of sex or gender identity), or physical, mental, emotional, or learning disability (“Protected Classes”) in any of its student programs and activities. Designated Compliance Officers for Title IX, Section 504, and Title II of ADA:

  • Gina Lehman, Director of Student Services, 6100 Alderson Street, Weston, WI  54476, 715-359-4221
  • Sarah Trimner, Director of Talent & Culture, 6100 Alderson Street, Weston, WI  54476, 715-359-4221
  • Julie Weller, Director of Special Education,  6100 Alderson Street, Weston, WI  54476,  715-359-4221