AP - Honors - DE
Laude System Courses
The Laude System provides incentive for students to challenge themselves to participate in high-level curricula and better prepare themselves for post-secondary educational opportunities. It uses a point-based system to recognize students who complete high-level coursework in grades 9 through 12. To be considered for a Laude award, a student must first have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher. The Laude score will be determined by counting the number of semester credits successfully completed by the student for all pre-approved Laude courses. One point for each completed semester course will be awarded for approved courses.
Laude Honor Distinctions
Cum Laude (honor distinction) — 15 to 24 points
Magna Cum Laude (great honor distinction) — 25 to 34 points
Summa Cum Laude (highest honor distinction) — 35 or more points
We value our partnership with NorthCentral Technical College!
$156,789.90 Saved in tuition during the 2020-2021 school year.
537 Senior High students attempted 1,007 college credits from Northcentral Technical College
DCE Laude
90% of 2020 graduates enrolled in Advanced Placement or Dual Enrollment courses
19 (and counting) Advanced Placement (AP) courses
39 (and counting) Dual Enrollment (DE) courses
850 AP courses and 947 DE courses Completed by students in 2021