Athletics Handbook/Forms
Athletics Handbook 2023
Senior High - Junior High - Middle School
- Philosophy
- Goals of Interscholastic Competitions
- Responsibilities
- Joining an Athletic or Co-Curricular Program
- Boys Athletics
- Girls Athletics
- D.C. Everest Co-Curricular Programs
- D.C. Everest Insurance/Injury Information
- D.C. Everest Coach/Advisor Expectations
- Effective Communication and Problem Solving
- D.C. Everest Academic Eligibility
- D.C. Everest Additional Rules of Eligibility
- Awards
- D.C. Everest Code of Conduct
- Penalties for Violations
- Parent(s)/Guardian(s) or Student Confidential Self-Referral to Student Services
- The Athletic and Activities Council
- Co-curricular Participation Fees
Athletics and co-curricular activities are an integral part of the D.C. Everest School District’s educational program. They provide unique opportunities for students to promote their mental, physical, social, and emotional development. Athletics and co-curricular activities are valuable extensions of the traditional classroom providing students opportunities to develop and demonstrate character traits of respect, responsibility, self-discipline, integrity, and compassion. Everyone involved in D.C. Everest activities and athletics strives for excellence in preparation, performance, and sportsmanship and appreciates the community support of our programs. D.C. Everest students and their parents/guardians recognize that the privileges and benefits of participation depend on fulfilling the accepted responsibilities of participation.
Goals of Interscholastic Competitions
In participating in athletic or co-curricular programs, students have an opportunity not only to strive for the achievement of personal goals, but also to represent the D.C. Everest Area Schools and our community in interscholastic competitions or community events. This handbook has been developed with the input of students, parents, teachers, coaches, and administrators to define the philosophy, rules, and regulations for participation in athletics or co-curricular activities that are believed to be in the best interest of our students. Our goals for interscholastic competition and event participation are
as follows:
- To provide activities for learning self-discipline, leadership skills, loyalty, team play, personal pride, pride in the organization, respect for the rights of others, and the will to succeed.
- To provide challenges for students through participation in interscholastic competition or management of school/community events.
- To provide activities that help to create school unity.
- To help students learn habits of health, sanitation, and safety.
- To promote friendship, both with teammates, opponents, and members of the community.
- To help students realize that participation in interscholastic competition or organized community events is a privilege with accompanying responsibilities.
- To place the unit, team, club, organization, squad, class, and school above personal desires.
- To promote the enjoyment of athletics and co-curricular activities by students through the satisfaction gained from self-improvement.
The opportunity to participate in our interscholastic athletic programs or co-curricular programs is extended to all students who are willing to assume certain responsibilities. To be a credit to the student, the student’s family, team, school, and community, the student should display high standards and exemplify good sportsmanship, show respect for others, accept academic responsibilities, actively support the athletic and activities code, help and encourage fellow students to do the same, and meet all eligibility requirements identified in this handbook and in the state organizational handbooks affiliated with the programs and activities the student participates in. It is the responsibility of each student to know and follow the rules and procedures listed.
Joining an Athletic or Co-Curricular Program
Attending the scheduled sign-up meeting for the sport or activity of your choice is strongly recommended and is the most convenient way to obtain information and necessary forms. The student should procure the following items from the coach, advisor, main office staff, or athletic director and return them to the main office or athletic director when completed:
- (Athletes only) Athletic physical permit card or athletic alternate year card. An athlete must have a physical examination by a licensed physician every other year. (For the second year of the cycle an alternate year athletic permit card must be completed.)
- Health Insurance (highly recommended).
- A pledge agreement signed by both a parent/guardian and the student.
- Emergency information card.
- User or participation fee (if required). No student may start practice, attend meetings, participate in competitions or receive any equipment until the items listed above are properly processed.
Boys Athletics
Girls Athletics
- Basketball (W) 7 – 12
- Cross Country (F) 6 – 12
- Curling (W) 9 – 12
- Dance (F,W) 6 – 12
- Golf (F) 9 – 12
- Hockey (W) 9 – 12
- La Crosse (S) 9 – 12
- Skiing/Snowboard (W) 9 – 12
- Soccer (S) 7 – 12
- Softball (S) 8 – 12
- Swimming (F) 6 – 12
- Tennis (F) 9 – 12
- Track & Field (S) 6 – 12
- Volleyball (F) 7 – 12
- Wrestling (W) 6 – 12
D.C. Everest Co-Curricular Programs
- Anime Club 6-7, 10-12
- Art Club 6-12
- Book Club 6-12
- Captain’s Club 10-12
- Checkers/Chess Club 6-7
- Dance 6-7
- DECA 10-12
- Environmental Club 6-12
- FBLA 8-12
- FCA 8-12
- FCCLA 8-12
- FFA 10-12
- Fishing Team 10-12
- Foods Club 8-9
- For Ever-Greens 8-9
- Forensics 6-12
- French Club 6-7
- Gaming Club 8-12
- GSA 10-12
- HOSA 10-12
- Junior Optimist Club 6-7
- Key Club 10-12
- Knitting Club 10-12
- Literary Magazine 10-12
- Math Team 9-12
- Mock Trial 10-12
- Muay Thai Club 10-12
- Musical 6-12 NHS 11-12
- NJHS 8-9
- Oral History Project 8-12
- Outdoor Club 8-9
- Science Olympiad 8-9
- SMART Club 10-12
- Solo & Ensemble 7-12
- Spelling Bee 6-7
- Student Council 6-9
- World Language 6-7
- YCLA/Culture Club 6-12
- Yearbook 6-9
- Yo-Yo Club 10-12
Any new or current activity/club not noted above will follow the regulations of this activities code.
D.C. Everest Insurance/Injury Information
- All students are recommended to be covered by health insurance before participating in a sport or activity, especially those activities that include trtavel away from the school district.
- Student accident insurance is offered by D.C. Everest Area School District. Student accident insurance plan forms may be obtained from the office at each school.
- All injuries must be reported immediately to the coach or advisor in charge who will refer the participant to the athletic trainer, the school nurse, or other appropriate person. The athletic trainer or nurse will, in turn, refer the participant to a physician, if any doubt exists as to the participant’s personal safety.
D.C. Everest Coach/Advisor Expectations
In addition to the conduct rules listed in the following section, coaches/advisors will establish in writing other expectations approved by the administration for all students participating in that sport or activity. Any discipline involving suspension or dismissal from the sport or activity will be jointly established by the coach/advisor and athletic director. The coach/advisor will contact the student and parent(s)/guardian(s) if a suspension or dismissal is in order. Violations of the coach’s/advisor’s expectations are cumulative only during each season. Coach’s/advisor’s expectations may address, but are not limited to:
- practice rules and conduct
- locker room rules
- game/competition conduct
- transportation conduct
- equipment care
- unacceptable language
- dress code, personal appearance, hygiene
- training hours or curfew
- tardiness and absences from school and practices
- attitude
- lettering requirements
- other
Because the expectations referred to above cover a multitude of possible violations with a varying degree of severity, the consequences may also be varied. It is the intent of the school district to apply appropriate consequences to violations. These consequences may vary from a verbal reprimand to the loss of eligibility for the remainder of the current season or activity.
- If a student has an athletic/activity code violation after the competitive season, but prior to the awards program, that student will not receive his/her awards until the suspension has been served.
- A student-athlete may participate in multiple sports (2 max) per season with the approval of both coaches involved. However, the athlete must declare their primary sport prior to participation in either sport. Once the athlete has declared their primary sport, they must participate in all scheduled competitions for that declared sport unless mutually agreed by both coaches.
- The district will not always provide transportation to athletic practice sites off campus. Teams/Participants are required to travel to and return from contests on transportation provided by the school. Any personal exceptions need prior approval/communication with the appropriate administrator and/or coach. On occasion, transportation may not be provided to or from contests in the Greater Wausau Area, in these situations, parents/guardians will be responsible to get their students to and from these events. The only exception to this rule is if a parent/guardian is at the out-of-town site, he or she may request that the student return with the parents/guardians. This request must be made in writing and in person to the coach/advisor in charge. It is recommended that all coaches/advisors provide their participants and the parents/guardians information on the estimated departure and return times for away contests.
- If a physician holds or removes a student from competition or practice, the coach/advisor must receive clearance from a physician before the student can participate in practices, meets, games, meetings, or events.
- (Athletics only) A student-athlete may not go out for a sport to serve a suspension after two weeks of the start of the season. A student-athlete who is ineligible may, with the approval of the head coach and athletic director, go out for a sport after the first two weeks of the season, but will have to serve the suspension in that sport and in the next sport he/she goes out for.
Effective Communication and Problem Solving
When a question, concern, or complaint regarding an athletic situation arises, the following protocol is most effective in resolving issues:
- Student Participant to Coach/Advisor
- Parent and Student Participant to Coach/Advisor (If necessary)
- Parent and Student Participant to Athletic Director (If necessary)
- Parent and Student Participant to Principal (If necessary)
- Parent and Student Participant to Director of Secondary Education (If necessary)
- Please refer to Coach’s/Advisor’s Expectations before making the first contact to review what has been signed and agreed to.
- Start with the source. Talk directly with the coach/advisor of that level, in private, face-to-face, away from the practice or contest area. An email or phone call may be necessary to arrange an appointment.
- All concerns must be heard at the lowest level possible before intervention by a higher authority.
- We assume that all parties have the best interest of our students in mind when concerns/complaints are discussed.
D.C. Everest Academic Eligibility
Student participation in athletics and co-curricular activities is viewed as an integral component of the learning process at D.C. Everest, and for this reason our eligibility policy is intended to be motivational in design rather than disciplinary. D.C. Everest’s eligibility policy for interscholastic athletics and co-curricular programs is designed to ensure that academic learning and achievement remain the top priority for every student.
Interventions and academic supports systems such as Extended Learning Time (ELT) and remediation are designed to support and reinforce academic progress. Teachers and coaches are encouraged to use these support systems to assist students in maintaining sufficient academic progress in all classes.
Participants are ultimately responsible for their learning and are encouraged to maintain healthy communication with their teachers, coaches/advisors, and parents regarding academic progress. Grade progress checks will be made by the Athletic Director twice per quarter prior to end-of-the grade reporting period to identify students in need of additional academic support.
D.C. Everest Additional Rules of Eligibility
- If a student has more than one failing grade at the conclusion of any quarter or semester grading period, upon detection, that student will be suspended for a period of 15 school days from athletic competitions or co-curricular activity special events. (Fall Sports - the lesser of 21 calendar days beginning with the date of earliest allowed competition in a sport or one-third of the maximum number of games/meets allowed in a sport).
- If a student has more than one incomplete, or one incomplete and any failing grades, at the conclusion of any quarter or semester grading period, upon detection, that student will be suspended for a period of 15 school days from athletic competitions or cocurricular activity special events. A student regains eligibility immediately if incompletes are made up within two weeks after a grade-reporting period.
- If a student is ineligible due to grades, the student will not be excused from school for competition or riding a bus to an away event unless the student is passing all classes.
- A student serving an academic or conduct suspension may not dress for pre-game, games, meets, or participate in a co-curricular activities, meetings, or events.
- A student must be in school the full day in order to participate in games, meets, practices, or to participate in co-curricular activity meetings or events.
- A student may be excused for doctor, dentist, therapy appointments, or absences approved by the athletic director or principal.
- A student athlete must attend all practices during a suspension and follow the coach’s expectations. Likewise, students who participate in co-curricular activities are approved to attend all co-curricular activity meetings during a suspension, but are required to follow the advisor’s expectations.
- Each student is responsible for the school equipment issued him/her. All lost equipment must be paid for by the student to whom it was issued before further participation in athletics or co-curricular activities will be permitted. Any student having equipment not issued to that student faces an Athletic or Activities Council review.
- A student is expected to dedicate the time specified for practice by the coach/advisor. Regular attendance is required.
- If the number of students trying out for a sport/activity is more than the facilities and equipment can reasonably and safely accommodate, selection will be made by the coaching/advisory staff based on previous participation, ability, attitude, and work ethic.
- Students who are dropped from an activity or sport for disciplinary reasons or who quit an activity or sport will not be refunded the registration fees.
- An awards program for each team or co-curricular program will be held at the conclusion of each season. The D.C. Everest awards are presented in recognition of athletic or co-curricular program accomplishments.
- The student must finish the season or program in good standing in order to qualify for an award. Under special or unusual circumstances, the coach/advisor may recommend an award be given though the specific award requirements are not met.
- A student who fulfills the varsity letter requirements of the program will receive a chenille “E” letter. The coach/advisor may recognize outstanding accomplishments in each sport or cocurricular activity by presenting the Most Valuable and Most Improved awards. Other awards such as memorials and scholarships are presented according to the criteria established by the donors.
- Club sport athletes may letter if they adhere to the rules in the D.C. Everest Athletic & Activities Handbook, which include the WIAA eligibility requirements. Any deviation from these rules must have school board approval. The club sport advisor will administrate and monitor these rules and regulations with guidance from the athletic director and principal.
- Awards Nomination Process: (Athletics) For those sports in which coaches are responsible for nominating their student-athletes for recognition for post-season awards and honors, the following guidelines will be followed: A code violation will result in the loss of any recognition/award for that activity if the offense occurs before the awards. In-season violations will remove the individual from nomination or receipt of any awards for that sport/activity. If a suspension is carried over to another season, the student will only be penalized in the original season.
Note: Conference by-laws or coaches’ expectations germane to their sport may be more restrictive. Sports in which the nomination process is presently used for selection for Conference Awards: Volleyball, Football, Basketball, Tennis, Soccer, Hockey, Baseball, Softball.
D.C. Everest Code of Conduct
Training rules are established for the best interests of the students, team, and activity groups. The student who complies with these rules demonstrates a desire to dedicate him/herself to selfimprovement as well as to act in the best interest of his/her team, activity group, and school. All students must observe year-round training rules, refraining from any conduct at any time that would reflect unfavorably on him/herself or the school.
Such conduct includes, but is not limited to, sale, possession, or illegal use of illicit drugs, prescription medications, alcoholic beverages, tobacco and nicotine products (including smoking and chewing tobacco, e-cigarettes, vapor pens, and hookahs), and banned substances listed by the WIAA.
Conduct Unbecoming
Conduct Unbecoming of an athlete or co-curricular participant may include, but is not limited to:
- a violation of law;
- vandalism;
- attending parties in which alcohol or other drugs are present;
- disrespect to school authorities;
- repeated violation of school rules including hazing or harassment;
- immoral conduct: racial, sexist, and ethnic comments or other intimidating acts directed at classmates, teammates, officials, opponents or coaches;
- inappropriate use of the Internet or other technology devices including derogatory statements about officials, opponents, coaches, team members, and peers;
- hindering an investigation of an alleged incident by providing false or misleading
Penalties for Violations
Penalties for Violations Participation in interscholastic competitions is a privilege and failure to abide by the established rules may result in withdrawal of that privilege. A student reported for a violation of any of the training, eligibility or conduct rules may be required to appear before the Athletic or Activities Council. Any such appearance before the Athletic or Activities Council shall be conducted in accordance with the procedures described in this handbook. All penalties will be imposed under the jurisdiction of the Athletic or Activities Council. Students who participate in athletics and co-curricular activities may receive disciplinary consequences in both activities. Suspensions imposed under the athletic code will be served in an athletic activity, and suspensions imposed under the activities code will be served in the co-curricular activity.
Substance Violations
- (Athletics only) A first violation will result in suspension from the team for not less than 30% of the season the student-athlete is participating in or the next season the studentathlete participates in if he/she is currently not participating in a sport. If the student-athlete is honest and cooperative in the Athletic Council meeting, the 30% suspension may be reduced to 20%.
- (Athletics only) A second violation will result in suspension from the team for not less than 50% of the season the student-athlete is participating in or the next season the studentathlete participates in if he/she is currently not participating in a sport. The maximum penalty will be one calendar year.
- (Co-curricular participants only) First and second violations of substance abuse violations will result in Activity Council hearings. Consequences will be determined by the Activity Council based on the circumstances of each individual case.
- A third violation will result in suspension from all athletics or co-curricular activities for the remainder of the student’s enrollment in the D.C. Everest School District. A student-athlete may request an Athletic or Activities Council review after one full calendar year from his/her last code violation, if during that time of suspension the student has remained free from any additional handbook violations. The Athletic or Activities Council may grant eligibility if it determines the athlete or situation warrants it.
- Students hindering the investigation of an alleged incident by giving false or misleading information may be subject to receiving the minimum next penalty level or the possibility of losing their eligibility permanently.
- A student must be eligible for the games, meets, or special events in order to serve a suspension.
- Substances classified or presented as “look-alikes” shall be considered and responded to as if they were, in fact, the actual chemicals or restricted substances.
- If the suspension comes at the end of a sport season, the student will serve the remaining portion of the suspension in the next sport season that the student goes out for. Students involved in cocurricular activities will serve the suspension during the next co-curricular activity the student participates in. No school awards will be given until the remaining portion of the suspension is served and the student finishes the season or activity in good standing.
- (Athletes only) If the suspension results in a student being suspended for one or more WIAA tournament competitions, the athlete shall be disqualified for the remainder of total tournament series in that sport.
- If a student does not finish the season or activity in good standing, the suspension in its entirety will be served during the next sport season or activity the student goes out for. “Good Standing” means the student must complete the season or activity to the head coach’s or advisor’s expectation and standards.
- Any record of code violations will be expunged from a student’s code violation file if the student remains free of code violations for three full calendar years from the last recorded violation. At this time, the student will be given a clean slate and the next violation will be considered the student’s first.
Conduct Unbecoming Violations
For conduct unbecoming violations (excluding substance violations), the Athletic or Activities Council shall determine consequences, if any, depending on the nature of the violation and the number of offenses that the student has committed.
School Disciplinary Suspensions
- If a student has been suspended “in school”/directed studies or serves a Saturday detention, he/she will be allowed to practice, but will not be allowed to dress or participate in any meet, game, or competition on that day. If the suspension occurs on a Friday, he/she will be allowed to participate in a Saturday event.
- If a student has been suspended “out of school,” he/she will not be allowed to participate in the team’s or group’s activities (including practices and meetings) during the entire suspension. If the suspension occurs on a Friday, the student will not be allowed to participate or dress for a Saturday event or practice.
Parent(s)/Guardian(s) or Student Confidential Self-Referral to Student Services
A student or his/her parent(s)/guardian(s) may seek help through a school counselor. The school counselor will work with the student in strict confidence and may make an appropriate referral. Nothing will be communicated to the coach or administration. The student-athlete will be allowed to continue to participate in practices and contests while in an assistance program. However, if a coach, advisor, or administrator independently learns of a violation, penalties will be imposed.
The Athletic and Activities Council
The D.C. Everest Senior/Junior High/Middle School Athletic Councils are composed of the following: the principal, a counselor or assistant principal, the athletic director, the head coaches involved with the student-athlete and one coach elected for a one-year term by his/her coaching peers.
The D.C. Everest Senior/Junior High/Middle School Activities Councils are composed of the following: the principal, a counselor or assistant principal, the athletic director, the cocurricular advisors involved with the student and one adult employee appointed for a oneyear term by his/her principal.
The Athletic or Activity Councils shall meet as often as necessary and will take action in a fair and impartial manner. Minutes of the meeting will be recorded and kept by the athletic director. The Senior High Athletic or Activities Councils will deal with students who participate in programs at the Senior High and violate the code of conduct. The Junior High/Middle School Athletic or Activities Councils will deal with students who participate in programs at the Junior High or Middle School and violate the code of conduct.
If the Athletic or Activities Councils cannot meet prior to the game, meet, event, or awards night that the student is participating in, the Athletic Director or the Principal may suspend the student from participation or from receiving any award. The student and parent/guardian will be notified prior to the event.
Any game, meet, or event suspensions that occur prior to the council meeting will be included in the total suspension that the student must serve. In all cases involving the Athletic or Activities Councils, the student shall have a fair hearing, and the following process shall be used:
- The student and parent(s) will be informed in writing of the nature of the accusation.
- A student shall be entitled to a fair hearing before the Athletic or Activities Council. A student who commits a substance abuse violation, may choose to opt out of the Athletic or Activities Council meeting and accept the percentage penalty that is appropriate for that violation as assigned by the athletic director. Parents/Guardians or other representatives of the student’s choice may attend the hearing on the student’s behalf.
- Council Agenda
- Director of Athletics introduces participants.
- Director of Athletics informs Council of violation(s).
- Student presents their comments.
- Parents/Guardians may comment.
- Council may ask questions of student.
- Final thoughts of any participants. vii. Student and Parents/Guardians are dismissed.
- Council discusses any consequences.
- Director of Athletics informs student and Parents/Guardians of results of Council.
- Council Agenda
- If a student wishes to appeal the decision of the Athletic or Activities Council, he/she may file the appeal with the Director of Secondary Education within ten day of the decision. Appeals will be considered for procedural or process matters only.
- The student will remain ineligible during the time of the appeal.
Co-curricular Participation Fees
All 6-8th Grade Activities (boys & girls): Basketball, Football, Cross Country, Soccer, Track, Swimming, Volleyball, Wrestling
TIER I - $55
9-12 Activities (boys & girls): Lacrosse, Swimming, Cross Country, Golf, Ski/Snowboard, Tennis, Track & Field, Volleyball, Curling
TIER II - $65
9-12 Activities (boys & girls): Baseball, Dance (each season). Soccer, Softball
TIER III - $75
9-12 Activities (boys & girls): Football, Basketball, Hockey (girls), Wrestling
TIER IV - $325
9-12 Activities (boys & girls): Boys Hockey ($75 + $250 ice fees)
$10 FEE
FFA, FBLA, DECA, FCCLA, Forensics, Mock Trial, Musical
Please note individual athletic teams and clubs may have additional fees.